The Glasheen River Ecology Report


In the summer of 2024 Green Spaces for Health commissioned Mayfly Ecology to conduct an ecology report of the entire Glasheen River from its source, to where it meets the Curaheen River before emptying into the River Lee. Letizia Cocchiglia carried out the field work and her findings are in her report that we include here.


Because of their efforts in increasing biodiversity in the Togher area, Togher Community garden became familiar with the Glasheen River. As part of the bioblitz hosted by the community garden in Clashduv Park in July 2023 they included a survey of the part of the river that runs adjacent to the garden. The ecologists had two white trays, one held water from the source and in the other was water from this part of the river. The source water was clear, the other black. A kick sampling test was impossible at this site (Clashduv park), the volume of silt was simply too deep, it was observed that nothing much could live in it at the time.


Even in appearance the river looks terribly unhealthy. After the dredging in September 2023, Green Spaces for Health went searching for answers about the state of this once beautiful waterway. The search was perversely difficult, there were so many agencies to contact and each deferred to the other.

The idea of starting a river group had already been considered by Julie Forrester Artist/Activist who has been advocating on behalf of the Glen River for some time. Maria Young of Green Spaces for Health and Julie came together in October 2023 and formed the Cork River Alliance Group. The group meets bi-monthly and is made up of individuals who represent different rivers across Cork City and County.


There is no easy solution to the myriad of human made problems that currently beset our waterways. Those problems are now being exacerbated by the effects of climate change. But we have got to make a start and create change.

Our vision is the restoration of the rivers and streams that run through this land so they can be inhabited again by the nature that once flourished within and around them. It will take a concerted effort by everyone; community, all the agencies including local and national governments to bring Cork’s rivers back to a clean healthy life.


Meanwhile we invite you to read this report LINK HERE. This is the start of our process, as a result of this report we are already on the next step of our enquiry.

Come join us.

We invite anyone who is interested and concerned about a particular river to join the Cork River Alliance Group. Please contact Maria on 086 8392321, or email