A number of resources have been developed to support adults in the self-management of their long-term health conditions.

The ‘Minding your long-term health condition during Coronavirus (COVID-19)’ leaflet provides practical and clear information to support people to manage their long-term health condition and to stay well. Each key message is supported by a helpful tip and people are signposted to approved supports, reputable websites or healthcare practitioners for further information. It also includes the new Dept. of Health recommendation on Vitamin D supplementation for those aged 65+. To view the leaflet go to https://www.hse.ie/eng/health/hl/selfmanagement/living-well-programme/minding-your-long-term-health-condition-during-coronavirus-covid-19-.pdf

Furthermore ‘Tips for Self-Managing your Health when living with a long-term health condition’ is another useful resource. It is designed to highlight 10 practical steps that people can take to live well with their long-term health condition. This leaflet could also be uploaded or signposted as a resource to support those with Long-term health conditions to self-manage.

These leaflets, along with other resources, videos and information about Living Well, the 6 week Self-management programme can be found at www.hse.ie/selfmanagementsupport.